Our goal is to satisfy our customers, and we welcome opportunities to improve
our service.
Your local service representative is the best resource to handle your questions, problems, or complaints. The number for your local service rep is located in the front section of your NYNEX White Pages directory.
To make inquiries about specific NYNEX activities use the Directory of Company Contacts below.
Corporate Offices | Customer Service Governmental Relations | Human Resources Internships | Investor Relations Media Relations | NYNEX Philanthropy Products/Services & ISDN | Annual Report Shareowner Services | Yellow Pages Advertising Corporate Offices
1095 Avenue of The Americas New York, NY 10036 212-395-2121
180 Washington Valley Road Bedminster, N.J. 07921 908-306-7000
Tolworth Tower Ewell Road, Surbiton Surrey, KT67ED, U.K. 011-44-181-873-3400
35 Village Road Middleton, MA, 01949 1-508-762-1000
Customer Service Reach Numbers For a complete guide of NYNEX customer service reach numbers in your area, see the front page of your NYNEX White Pages directory. Local Customer Service Reach Numbers and Business Offices are also located on the front page of your monthly NYNEX statement. Governmental Relations
Suite 400 West 1300 I Street, N.W. Washington, DC 20005 1-202-336-7900
Human Resources
NYNEX Corporation is an Equal Opportunity Employer and has management, and
non-management opportunities available in New York, New England and in other
domestic and international markets.
1095 Avenue of The Americas 2nd Floor New York, NY 10036 Internships
If you wish to participate in an internship with a specific company,
submit your resume as though applying for regular employment. Note in your
cover letter that you are applying for an internship and state the period
during which you will be available. NYNEX Corporation is an Equal Opportunity
Employer and has internship opportunities available in New York, New England
and in other domestic and international markets.
1095 Avenue of The Americas 2nd Floor New York, NY 10036 Investor Relations For information, check out the NYNEX Investor Relations section of this website or write to us at:
NYNEX Corporation 1095 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10036 1-212-730-6350
Annual Reports For the 1995 Annual Report, check out the Annual Report section of this website. If you would like to receive the latest NYNEX Annual Report in print or on audiocassette, direct your requests to:
Annual Report 19th Floor 1095 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10036
Media Relations For recent NYNEX News, check out the News Releases section of this website or write to us at: To contact NYNEX Media Relations:
NYNEX Corporation 1095 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10036
ISDN & Other Products & Services Try these links for specific information about NYNEX products and services and ISDN information for home and business.
For other ISDN inquiries: E-Mail: NYNEX ISDN Shareholder Services For information about NYNEX Shareholder Services, check out the Investor Relations section of this website or write to us at:
Share Owner Communications 19th Floor 1095 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10036 Inquiries about the Dividend Reinvestment Plan (DRISPP), NYNEX stock-related matters as well as dividend payments, stock transfers and requests for Form 10-K reports for NYNEX and its telephone subsidiaries, should be directed to NYNEX's transfer agent and registrar, The First National Bank of Boston, at:
c/o Bank of Boston P.O. Box 9175 Boston, MA 02205-9175 Or Call: Toll free - 1-800-358-1133
Hearing-impaired share owners with access to a Telecommunications Device for the Deaf (TDD) may dial 1-800-368-0328 toll-free for account information.
NYNEX Corporate Philanthropy Check out the NYNEX Corporate Philanthropy section of this website or write to us at:
1095 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10036
Phone: 1-800-360-7955 Yellow Pages Advertising NYNEX Information Resources Company produces both the printed White and Yellow pages directories for the NYNEX Region. This division also produces a nationwide Interactive Yellow Pages Service called BigYellow. To place an ad or contact customer services:
35 Village Road Middleton, Massachusetts 01949 1-800-44-NYNEX
35 Village Road Middleton, Massachusetts 01949 1-888-BigYellow